This pomegranate was just too fun to paint! All those little seeds and the pale pink membranes.
This blog is developing a life of its own, somehow these smaller paintings are more important than completing my current larger pieces. I will have to strike a balance soon or I will have some very empty walls in my February show at Arts Underground!
Our daylight hours are getting so short that it is sometimes hard to find any natural light in the studio. My setup is a homemade still life box with a 3oo watt bulb to light the subject as well as my painting support. I usually need to turn off the overhead lights to maintain the light and shadow patterns on my subject, so with this low winter light it can feel like I am painting in the dark!
Again thanks for taking a look and please pass on my blog to a friend or two. If you subscribe you may need to change your settings to allow my emails through your junk filter.
All the Best, Val
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