Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The Pomegranite
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Three Greens

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Persimmon Pals

Persimmon Pals Oil on canvas 5"by7" Available $80
Friday, December 5, 2008
Through The Pines

Thursday, December 4, 2008
I'm Back!

Copper and Onion 5" by 7" oil on canvas Available, eighty dollars
I have painted this little hand made copper pot before. It's been in my home for years. Sometimes it does duty as a plant pot, other times it just sits by the fire. Although I have never cooked in it I could not resist the colour harmony with the yellow onion and the garlic added to the theme.

Pewter Mug II 5" by 7" oil on canvas Available, eighty dollars
Again I have painted this before, but I think I nailed it this time! Lots of different grays, warm and cool in this piece.
So you see, I have been busy! Tomorrow I will post all of my recent gallery pieces.
Thanks for Looking!!! Val
Hey and please leave a comment, the positive ones are like little gifts to me......and criticism helps be grow as a painter.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Patio Pots

Thanks for looking, Val
And once again it is available, directly from me.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Lemon Lime

These were fun to paint and I especially liked the way the lightest part of the lime blended with the halftone on the lemon. It is so hard to judge the lemon in the shadow....what colour is dark yellow anyway!
This is 5" by 7" and is on stretched canvas. I am going to continue to use these small stretched canvases rather than panels. I prefer painting on canvas texture and these have a nice finished substance to them and look wonderful in floated frames.
As usual this is available from me directly for $75.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
It's A Daisy Day SOLD
Friday, June 6, 2008
My Old Workhorse SOLD

A heads up to Whitehorse folks ; I will be doing a mini workshop as part of the Yukon Portrait Project tomorrow at 3pm at the Old Firehall. We will be mixing skin tones. Please think of it more as me sharing information, rather than teaching as I am still a student myself.
Thanks for Looking!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
New Growth SOLD

This Saturday I will be doing a mini workshop at the Old Firehall on mixing skin colours in oil. It is a part of the Yukon Portrait Project running for 2 weeks starting June 6. Come and see the many wonderful pieces by various artists at the Old Firehall and throughout downtown.
I hope to keep up with a few "dailies" every week over the next few summer months but I am starting a demanding new painting project that will take up much of my time.
Thanks for looking!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Planting Day SOLD
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Willow Bob

Bob makes wonderful willow furniture, some of which can be found at Yukon Artists at Work gallery in McCrae. I loved painting all the grizzle and that HAIR!
This is still a work in progress as I may do a glaze on it when I return from a week long trip. There is also some glare on the dark wet oil paint on the right side.
So because I am leaving for a week there will be another drought of paintings. I miss doing the small works. Perhaps I should have named it Val's sporadic daily painting blog.....
Thanks for looking, Val
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Antique Compass

It is 5" by 7" on Masonite panel and is available from me. By the way, many of my past "dailies" have found their way to the Yukon Artists at Work Gallery in McCrae.
Thanks for Looking!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Worn Out SOLD, Thanks!

By the way I have found a couple of wonderful frames for these small pieces. They are quite reasonable and if you are interested in purchasing one call me or email me. I order them from Kelowna.
Thanks for looking!,
Friday, May 9, 2008
Cappuccino SOLD, Thanks!

I have a question for you all. I am thinking of re- naming my blog so I am asking for your opinion. I want to call it "Little Life Paintings" or "Little Lifes" by Val Hodgson or similar. Leaving out the still in still life. You see there is only one rule I made for myself with this blog and that is everything I paint and post must be from life, in other words no photos. I spend lots of time painting from photos for my gallery work and this is a way to develop my skills further.
Let me know your opinions, leave me a comment!
Thanks! Val
This piece is 5" by7" oil on Masonite and is for sale directly from me for $75
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Blue Bowl and Pear
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Rose and Vase SOLD, Thanks!

Thanks for looking,
This piece is 5" by 7" and is available from me for $75.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Henley Goblet with Rose SOLD, Thanks!

My photos are getting better with the information from Morgan Whibley's course and although most of the darks are true I can see a loss of my darks in the rose. The photos are never as nice as the real painting!
This is 7" by 5" and like all my small paintings is available directly from me. Hope you enjoy.
Oh and check out the links to other artists that I have added to my blog, some wonderful work. I will add more later.
Thanks for looking,
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Lemon and Slices SOLD, Thanks!